Common Categories of Playthings

  • According to Smilansky and Shefatya’s (1990) categories of play, there are four types of play, which include the following:

    • Constructive play, in which children build and make things;

    • Functional play, in which children manipulate toys; also called manipulative play;

    • Games with rules, in which children learn to understand the ideas of rules, accept the rules, and play by the rules; and

    • Dramatic/sociodramatic play, in which children pretend to be other people by using props; also called creative and imaginative play.

  • Also, there are cognitive play, exploratory play, and motor-training related activities.

Constructive Play (建構性遊戲)

  • The constructive play materials are open-ended

  • Children use materials to creatively and intentionally build something

  • The materials take many forms, such as blocks, Legos, gears, playdough, sand, recycled materials, etc.

Flowers (砌花片)
Wooden Blocks (木製觸感積木)
Gears (齒輪玩具)
Magnetic Titles (磁力片)
Pipes (管道玩具)
Blocks/Legos (積木)

Cognitive Play (認知訓練遊戲)

  • The cognitive play materials build children’s problem-solving and other cognitive skills, such as sorting, categorizing, counting, matching, etc.

  • The materials include puzzles, matching games, constructing and building blocks, etc.

Shape Eggs (形狀蛋配對教具)
Russian Dolls (俄羅斯娃娃大小)
Shape Board (形狀配對)
Shape Board (幾何多邊形形狀配對)
Cylinder Sockets (插座圓柱體)
Shadow Matching (黑白影子配對板)
Fruits Matching (水果配對板)
ABC and Number Matching (配對教具)
Categorization (分類教具)
Matching (果肉果皮配對教具)
1-5 counting (數數珠教具)
A-Z Board (配對板)
Geometry (幾何組合)
Puzzles (砌圖)
Geometry (幾何組合)
Matching/Category (物件配對)
Counting (數數教具)
Geometry (幾何體積)
Time (時鐘)
Counting (方塊)
Chess Game (飛行棋)
Scale (秤)
Cup Stacking (疊杯)
Montessori Letter Activity Set (活動字母)
Sequencing Cards (順序卡)
Shapes Template Set (形狀器)
Face Organ Set (面部表情配對)

Manipulative Play (操作性遊戲)

  • Children develop their fine motor skills through manipulating the materials to gain control over their movements and to coordinate physical actions

  • Through manipulating materials, children learn about:

    • The concepts of size, shape, weight, length, heights, cause and effect (e.g., object permanence box), sequencing, order, patterns, etc.

    • The skills of analysing and solving problems, etc.

Cutting Pizza (砌食物教具)
Threading (Matching Concept) (穿繩教具)
Clipping Activity (夾熊熊教具)
Clipping Activity (夾蜜蜂教具)
Montessori Coin Box (入錢幣)
Lock (開鎖教具)
Screw (螺絲教具)
Brushing (刷牙用具)
Cutting Fruit Set (砌水果)
Pour Water Set (倒水教具)
Threading (Directionality) (穿線板)
Buttons (扣鈕釦教具)
Clipping (衣夾教具)
Play Dough (泥膠)
Sand Play (動感沙)

Exploratory Play (探索性遊戲)

  • Children use all their senses to explore, for example children examine objects by looking, touching, listening and moving it to learn about how they can influence the world around them.

  • Materials include magnifying glass, magnets, specimens, etc.

Magnifying Glass (放大鏡)
Magnets Play Set (磁石教具)
Colour Swatches (色板教具)
Colour Mixing Glasses (多色眼鏡)
Measuring Cup, Droppers (量杯)
Observable Plants (大豆生長過程標本)
Life Cycle of Butterfly (蝴蝶生長過程標本)
Life Cycle (動植物生長週期教具)
Food Matching (果肉果皮配對教具)
Montessori Matching Puzzle (動植物結構配對拼圖)
Kaleidoscope (萬花筒)
Desk Bells (彩虹全音階手鈴)

Creative and Imaginative Play (創作及想像性遊戲)

  • Children use their imagination to learn and play with toys and props.

  • They use symbols (an object) to represent other objects. For example, the child uses a banana to stand for a phone.

Farm Equipment & Animal Figures (動物農場)
A Doll’s House (娃娃屋)
A Doll Play Set (玩偶套裝)
Hair Dressing Play Set (美髮師玩具套裝)
Wooden Kitchen Play Set (廚房玩具)
Art Tools (美藝用具)

Motor-training related Activities (體能訓練活動)

  • Through involving in the motor-training related activities, children involve in the use of motor (gross and fine motor) skills, including

    • Fine motor skills such as hand-eye coordination, pinching, grasping, etc.

    • Gross motor skills such as jumping, running, hopping, climbing, balancing, etc.

  • Equipment includes the sensory boards, balance beams, climbing frame, hula hoops, etc.

Sensory Boards (觸覺板)
Golf (高爾夫球)
Bean Bags (豆袋)
Hula Hoops (呼拉圈)
Parachute (彩紅傘)
Paper Brick (紙磚)
Climbing Frame (攀爬架)
Balanced Beams (平衡過河石)
Balance Beams (平衡木)
Balls (Yoga Balls) (瑜珈球)
Ice-cream Cranes (雪糕筒)
Climbing Frame (攀爬架)

Loose Parts (素材物料)

  • Loose parts are materials that can be moved, carried, combined, redesigned, lined up, and taken apart and put them back together in multiple ways.

  • Children using loose parts lead to explorations that occur naturally and learn about things.

  • Materials can be recycling, natural.

Buttons (鈕釦)
Cut Straws (吸管)
Leaves (葉子)
Bottle Caps (飲品蓋)
Shells (貝殼)
Pompom Balls (絨球)
Loose Parts (小木枝/塊)
Yarns (毛冷線)
Popsicle Sticks (雪條棍)
Corn Plasticine (粟米粒)


  • Smilansky, S., & Shefatya, L. (1990). Facilitating play: A medium for promoting cognitive, socio-emotional, and academic development in young children. Psychosocial & Educational.